Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Jim Munro on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 10/23/2013).

Treatment of Negative SEO enquiries on GWMF.

Adding for discussion on Dumb SEO Questions 55.

Here is another one for the GWMF shame file.

The person seeking help is Jeff Ostroff, one of his sites is carbuyingtips.com. He speaks well. You can form your own opinion on this link. It`s cued to the start of his question and only takes 4 minutes.
Webmaster Central 2013-10-21

He calls out Ashley and Jennifer in the YouTube clip but I don`t think Ashley said much out of order in this thread at least, and while Jennifer still has not learned that making fun of people is not funny, I did not read anything really nasty.

I think he should have complained about Luzie for his many statements like this one though: "There`s several good explanations why negative SEO is about the last thing you`d have to worry about. In the present case the site tanked in the search results because it is useless crap aimed at inviting clicks on affiliate links leading to real sites offering used cars. It doesn`t deserve to rank well, so why the heck does everybody want it to be a victim of NSEO."  That quote was edited twice by Herbert so I hope it wasn`t initially much worse than we see today.

There is a Pavlovian response to the mention of Negative SEO on the Google Webmaster Forum and the same playbook has been run for four or more years.

The victim loses twice, not only has their website tanked but they get abused for inquiring about it as well. The wannabes crawl out of the cracks to pour scorn.

Please take 4 minutes to watch the clip and scan the thread because I`d really like to know what you think about it.

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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Jim Munro: Adding for discussion on Dumb SEO Questions 55.

    Here is another one for the GWMF shame file.

    The person seeking help is Jeff Ostroff, one of his sites is carbuyingtips.com. He speaks well. You can form your own opinion on this link. It's cued to the start of his question and only takes 4 minutes.

    Webmaster Central 2013-10-21

    He calls out Ashley and Jennifer in the YouTube clip but I don't think Ashley said much out of order in this thread at least, and while Jennifer still has not learned that making fun of people is not funny, I did not read anything really nasty.

    I think he should have complained about Luzie for his many statements like this one though: "There's several good explanations why negative SEO is about the last thing you'd have to worry about. In the present case the site tanked in the search results because it is useless crap aimed at inviting clicks on affiliate links leading to real sites offering used cars. It doesn't deserve to rank well, so why the heck does everybody want it to be a victim of NSEO."  ;That quote was edited twice by Herbert so I hope it wasn't initially much worse than we see today.

    There is a Pavlovian response to the mention of Negative SEO on the Google Webmaster Forum and the same playbook has been run for four or more years.

    The victim loses twice, not only has their website tanked but they get abused for inquiring about it as well. The wannabes crawl out of the cracks to pour scorn.

    Please take 4 minutes to watch the clip and scan the thread because I'd really like to know what you think about it.

  • Dave Elliott: Only read the thread but what i take from it is Julesfern (if that is their real name, shouldn't all the comments be g+ by now to try and stop abuse??) is a complete pillock.
  • Jim Munro: A bit of a pillock? :)
  • Dave Elliott: better?
  • Jim Munro: Better. :)
  • George Buchan: There should be a tool on the forum where you put the Url in BEFORE posting and if Google reports and identifies people are "At it" it's up to the poster to carry on and post a question...

    In theory it could/Should work because if you speak to a google employee "Live" they can run your website through internal tools as you are speaking to them. ;

    The abuse people get from the forums is pretty disgusting sometimes,

    Iv'e said it before, It's a Spammers Graveyard in there but some honest people get caught in the net and tarred with the same brush..

    It's like the Bad Cop turned good in there, MOST, Not all of the experienced people in there made loads of money abusing the system many years ago,
  • Micah Fisher-Kirshner: +Jim Munro: Where's that comment and which one is Jennifer? I don't seem to see it from the link you provided?
  • W.E. Jonk: +Micah Fisher-Kirshner ;it is Lysis.
  • Jim Munro: Good morning,  ;+Micah Fisher-Kirshner ;:) .

    The quoted comment on this post was from Luzie (+Herbert Sulzer ; ; ;) on page three of the link below and +Jennifer M ;is Lysis on the GWMF.

    I guess that I will be castigated for putting the two items together in this thread but maybe if only genuine personas were allowed on Google Webmaster Forums, people might begin to be treated like human beings.

  • Jennifer M: Every time I'm mentioned,  ;a troll gets his wings.....
  • Jennifer M: Oh hay, am I in videos now? That' is SWEET. Link please. ;
  • Jim Munro: :)
  • Jennifer M: Dude... I love this stuff. Give me a link. If I am the topic of an entire video of hateraiding, it's likely to make my week. LINK PLEASE don't be mean and hold it from me. ;
  • Jim Munro: The YouTube link is in the original post above, Jennifer, but I do not think you will find much to complain about in this thread. :)
  • Jennifer M: lame... How many minutes have me in it? Like, was it longer than 10 mins? Cuz Ima brag if you guys focused on me for longer than 10 mins. ;
  • Jim Munro: All I saw was the mention in the clip in the original post. If we get time to discuss this tonight in Dumb SEO Questions HOA #55, I will link it from here for you.
  • Sheree Gilkey: I went to the Google webmaster forum and was completely devastated by the behavior of Steve, Ashley and Lysis. Lysis is particularly vicious. They ganged up on me like a pack of wolves. I wish I`d had the insight to take a snapshot of the hateful comments they made, because they quickly went in and edited them. I literally have PTSD because of these people. Don`t go to that forum. Figure out a way to fix your website yourself, or pay someone to help you. It`s not worth it! And it`s true that Google sent me over to the forum. I didn`t know anything about it. I can promise you, I would never recommend that anybody go to that forum, unless you like being kicked like a dog.
  • Jim Munro: I apologise on behalf of the human race, Sheree. You are right, there is no need for their behaviour. There`s a black mark on Google for condoning it.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 10/23/2013).

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