Saturday, January 18, 2025
DSQ-Ranker is a tool that helps you to find the best-rated answers and make finding the information you want easier.
DSQ-Ranker is built around a DR Overall Score which provides a rank for each answer and a weighted score that actually means something.
The score is calculated from a number of weighted values taken from both user comments, user 1`s, user Quick Ranks and ratings from the members of our expert panel.
Our programmers have spent countless hours fine-tuning the DR Overall Score algorithm until finally settling on a formula that generates a meaningful score for every answer.
A Quick Rank is a way for you to quickly vote on an answer without having to provide any other information.
Whenever you want!
You can have a Quick Rank even if you haven`t seen the answer yet - use it to simply show how pleased or disappointed you are that the answer is there.
Quick Ranks don`t carry as much weight in the YR Overall Score as a user review but it all adds up and could help put your favourite answer on the Leaderboard!
Whenever you want, it`s none of our business. :)
We think comments and 1`s are more valuable than Quick Ranks so we weight them heavier when we calculate the DR Overall Score.
No promises but we`d like to see whatever you want to send us.
If you`ve got a passion for SEO and your fellow man and love to write informative and original articles, then we would very much like to hear from you! PM Dumb SEO Questions on G
Ask new questions on the Dumb SEO Questions community on Google .
Click the link at the bottom-right of this page to reach the community.