Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Alina Carter on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 09/06/2013).

Hello all, I`m having a critical issue with google place listing

Hello all, I`m having a critical issue with google place listing. I`ve two different websites for 2 different locations. But when I Searched for one of my listing, google autometically shows the another listing in search result, even for the brand name. The both listings have the same local listing management impressions & clicks every month... Has anyone see this before? If you`ve any advice then please suggest me...
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Ranu Jain: Hi +Alina Carter ;I observed something else here. When I type in "Dayton Glass Block" I don't see any result related to "Cincinnati Glass Block". But when I type in "Cincinnati Glass Block", I get the results under "glass block near Cincinnati, OH" with the title "Dayton Glass Block"  ;but the URL is "www.cincinnatiglassblock.com" only.

    The probable reason for this could be that on your Google+ page you have written "Dayton Glass Block" with the URL "www.cincinnatiglassblock.com" .
  • Alina Carter: No, +Ranu Jain ; It's not like that.. I've created both Google+ Pages with their own brand name and the information is correct, even I've check it twice.
  • Ranu Jain: Alina, please check this link: ;https://plus.google.com/106641507112453653742/about?hl=en
  • Alina Carter: Ya I know, that's the real issue I'm facing. When I try to open this url through my Google account, it always shows the exact name "Cincinnati Glass Block", but when I look for Google search, it shows "Dayton Glass Block". Don't know why???
  • Ranu Jain: The problem is that if you register your business in Google+ as anything other than a local business, you will have a separate Google+ and separate Google places for business account. That seemingly is the problem. Moreover it seems that Google has connected Cincinnati with your Dayton listing. What you are showing on listing is not what you are managing. I think its a bug. In short Google+ page that is linked to the search result is incorrect. And from what I know it is impossible to correct this until Google itself merges the two. ;

    Check out this URL - http://blumenthals.com/blog/2013/08/20/google-now-auto-merging-google-pages-into-google-places-dashboard-listings/. It talks about - Google Now Auto-Merging Google+ Pages Into Google Places Dashboard Listings. ;
  • Justin Y: +Ranu Jain not impossible.
    When the auto merge happens Google looks at both the google places page and the google business page to see if the info matches across the board. If the information is not exactly the same, Google will either migrate the page and adjust what they feel is appropriate or they won't migrate the two at all until the info is correct between the two.

    In this situation I would make sure the info matches between the two exactly, including the categories. Then you will need to reverify the page and request a new pin. After that your pages should migrate properly. I've been through this before and I can't guarantee if Google will work in your favor. You can ask others in the community that have experience with this and they'll agree it's always a pain in the a$$ to deal with. :)
  • Tim Capper: Yep.... real pain in the brain

    But follow +Justin Y ;advice ... the info needs to be exactly matching.
  • Alina Carter: Thanks +Ranu Jain +Justin Y +Tim Capper ;

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 09/06/2013).

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