Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Frida McKenzie on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 11/02/2013).

I have FINALLY created the site and provided content and am NOWHERE to be found on Google.

Ok so I have a unique local website... dallasgreenvilleavenue dot com that I created about 4 years ago. I was #1 on the 1st page of Google FOREVER (about 3 years)....with no content.....NOW....I have FINALLY created the site and provided content and am NOWHERE to be found on Google.....WHY???? HELP
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Frida McKenzie: Ok so I have a unique local website... dallasgreenvilleavenue dot com that I created about 4 years ago. I was #1 on the 1st page of Google FOREVER (about 3 years)....with no content.....NOW....I have FINALLY created the site and provided content and am NOWHERE to be found on Google.....WHY???? HELP
  • Andy Wigglesworth: Awesome, thanks +Frida McKenzie  ;for reposting your question.
  • Frida McKenzie: Ok now that we have gotten that out of the way....Can someone help with the answer for my "dumb seo question"......what is going on with Google? Is it something I am doing wrong? Any suggestions?
  • Brent Wildman: It's hard to tell without taking an in depth look at your site. Do you have any exact/approximate dates to when all this took place? And when you say your website "ranked", for what keywords?
  • Chris Edwards: Since 4 years ago and today, Google has released ALOT of updates, know as the Penguin and Panda updates. These updates were to improve search quality, removing sites that ranked for terms that Google did not feel they actually represented. I went to your site and checked your content. You do have content on your homepage, however, it is copied from another website, greenvilleave.org to be specific. Google frowns upon copied/duplicate content, which could be one of the factors causing your site to not rank well. Try creating some original content utilizing the keywords you are looking to rank for. ;
  • Jordan Manchev: There server, where your site is uploaded, is blocking your index for some reason. Get in touch with your hosting provider for support.
  • Diginabled: What is the phrase you ranked for previously? I searched for [Dallas Greenville Avenue] and your site appeared. In this scenario your site ranks partly because it exactly matches your domain name. Your site has very few external links and they all come from directories. Links from directories have been devalued for some time now. There are plenty of changes to be made however my recommendation would be to start with content. Ensure all your pages carry unique content that visitors will want to share and link to. ;

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 11/02/2013).

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