Hello Friends! Need some assistance here.
ok, I have not really been constantly checking the Google PR for my blog, but I would do that once in a while
It started with a PR3, about a few months into blogging. A year later, it went down to PR2, which I thought may be fine too.
However, just now, about 2 years later into blogging, I found that the PR became "NA" (N/A)
ok, I`ve learnt that if i need to find info or facts on the internet, I usually try to check it from two different sources. I used two PR checker that I found from googling it, and both gives me the same "NA" result
Is my blog in trouble?
(blog is: SingaporeanLifeStyle dot com)
I have not been constantly updating the blog, but I thought it would drop to 1/10 or maybe even a "0", but what`s N/A ?