Stockbridge Truslow: For the blog it`s being posted on - if it`s a valid and reasonable comment? Absolutely. It`s of no SEO value to the comment poster, though.
Sachin Sharma: 2 years ago, i tried to get backlinks from blog commenting and my particular web page was out of google search for over 6 months.
George G.: yea, noob mistakes. you can steal a whole lot of traffic with comments. and traffic is good for seo. (and im talkin about quality thoughtful comments, not mass gsa type of crap)
Perry Moore: Yes. Still use em today for some things
Travis Bailey: Not really. When done properly, it`s more of a social thing. If nofollow links are allowed - that might drive a little referral traffic. Instead of Facebook, it`s Bob Lablah`s Law Blog comment section. And that`s if you have something relevant to add, that may appeal to the author/property owner or their audience.
Dave Elliott: As a brand-building or customer service thing it can be useful, but, it won`t affect rankings.One of my mate`s companies does sterling work going to random forums and answering people`s questions about their products. This has given them a very good reputation for customer service.
Travis Bailey: So like, seeking the conversations on Reddit - and things of the like?
Dave Elliott: more as an after-sales/technical support thing rather than a pre-sales thing in their case, but yeah.
Travis Bailey: I`ve been watching a game dev/porting company do some really nice work in a small niche. One person seems to handle both pre-sale and some degree of technical support. They also see to indulge ultra neck beardy questions about obscure game development questions. Feral Interactive ports Windows only games to Linux. They do a great job. They`re active in r/linux_gaming. They even have their own flare.
Dave Elliott: They do a lot of the mac and ios game port as well. A name i know.
Travis Bailey: Yeah, Rise of The Tomb Raider is the new one. The specs for Mac are pretty modest, for how pretty/heavy the game must be. Linux specs: DUBBUL UT BUKKO! (I kid, but that seems to be the trend among indies - no real test base, unless they get volunteers.)
Michael Martinez: Given that most people always did it in the worst, cheapest, spammiest ways possible I would consider it to be only a form of advanced SEO because clearly it takes better judgment than the masses exercised. A lot of good comments were drowned out by the comments-for-links.
Stockbridge Truslow: Yep. Comments on YOUR site are beneficial to YOU - but there`s a huge cost in moderation and maintenance.
Dean Hua: Only if you`re an SEO company from India or the Philippines :)But in all seriousness, it`s better as a traffic driver if done methodically and the comments are relevant to the blog entries.
JL Faverio: A lot of good feedback here. But blog commenting is different today than even 5 years ago. Spam filters have greatly improved. And whether there`s a follow or nofollow link (or even no link allowed at all) I feel it is still a piece of the SEO puzzle.
Michael Martinez: Let me put it this way: unless you can justify in the blog owner`s mind that your self-promotional content benefits his/her readers, you`re just being annoying. CAN commenting on blogs help SEO? Sure. Absolutely. Depending on what you do you MIGHT get some value-passing links, or you MIGHT inspire people to search for some branded keywords, or you MIGHT be able to leave links to searches on Bing and Google that favor your sites, etc. But the way people attempt to utilize blogs for their marketing efforts is SELFISH, SHORT-SIGHTED, and completely inappropriate. If you want to comment on blogs because you want to participate in their conversations, then do so. Some blogs still allow people to embed links in their names. That should be good enough for everyone.
Michael Martinez: The SEO community (and ONLY the SEO community) is responsible for the sad state of bloggery today. People should really take that lesson to heart. I just don`t know what it will take to get people to wake up and realize that all these shortcut techniques just make the process harder for everyone.
JL Faverio: Michael Martinez I appreciate your passion and expertise. There`s good and bad in every scenario, even this one.
Marcus Pentzek: I think it depends on the industry. If it makes sense for brand to participate in blog comment discussions, then they should do so ... what makes sense for the brand and the users make sense for SEO.But if blog commenting is only performed to gain Bac...Lihat Lainnya
Marc Samson: A lot of people get blog commenting wrong. Its still useful today. If it is your primary strategy and used for link acquisition and squeezing link juice out or used for seo purposes, its useless, a waste of time and a horrible idea nowadays. However, there some niche blogs and forums, where engagement is high that are still worth commenting. Add value to conversations and add a refernce or link to support your comment that is useful. A lot of times you will get referral traffic that could potentially convert. A great refernce on this is
Dumb SEO Questions: Depends on where and how you use it and what value you offer, but i would still say more of a reputation / brand building. Forums on the other hand, I still get referral work from people reading forums where I have solved or answered a question / problem.
James Fuller: If the content of the comment is relevant to the focus of the web page it should be of good value.I recently changed my strategy in my SEO to take advantage of the blog features included in WordPress. It is an excellent way to increase your content wi...Lihat Lainnya
Mal Ö Tonge: Jim Munro you should write a book with all these sayings you come out with. :)
Jim Munro: Will do, Mal Ö Tonge. That`s two I`ve got so far.
Todd Mintz: If it were, I`d still be doing SEO :.)
Doc Sheldon: Decent comments can help the blog where they reside, but they`re of no direct SEO value to the commenter, IMO. There can be indirect benefits, such as traffic, if done properly.