Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Emy Ahmad on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 12/21/2017).

Should I just buy links?

Is it better to build links manually? It is so difficult and when I reach out to other related-to-business-website, no response, Should I just buy links? If so, which is the best-easy website to deal with?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Alan Bleiweiss: Sustainable links require effort. If all you do is directly look to contact sites for links, you are missing 95% of a true complete brand visibility process. Buying links directly is a violation of Google policies and riskier than ever.
  • Alan Bleiweiss: I wrote a post recently on what it takes to generate links properly. It`s one of many good resources on how to earn links properly for sustainable success. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/world-class-link-building/215791/
  • Al Jones: Start by offering good quality content because that`s what will earn you quality links. Don`t be links for you might get results you were not expecting nor would like.
  • Pshemislav Kaspshik: guest posting still works
  • Al Jones: It will work only if the guest posting is of high quality and on an authoritative site especially if the site/blog/page are within the same niche.
  • Mehartab Sahir: sir focus on manual link building, google likes this natural method.
  • Ryan Jones: you shouldn`t buy links. it may work short term but long term it will bite you in the ass.
  • Blair Urquhart: I have started building my own guest post network to me it`s a lot easier than you may think to get the links than you may think but if you want a faster results buying them would speed up for you .

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 12/21/2017).