Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by David Harry on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 09/27/2013).

If you could talk to Google, what would you ask about the disavow file operations?

Ok, the disavow is something that comes up a lot when hanging around various communities/groups as well as the gang in the SEO Dojo. As such, I wanted to start a collection of everyone`s thoughts, questions and confusion around it. Hopefully I can get some answers.

If you could talk to Google, what would you ask about the disavow file operations?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Micah Fisher-Kirshner: Real quick questions that come to mind:
    -Can it be used solely to deal with algorithm updates (like Penguin)?
    -Given that Matt Cutts has said you should treat the disavow tool as weed whacking rather than as a scalpel, when is it appropriate to use it for a scalpel rather than as a weed whacking tool (ie: when is NOT using the domain: appropriate)?
    -If we're supposed to build sites as if Google doesn't exist, why should we ever use the disavow tool, something only for Google?
  • Simon Fryer: Great question +David Harry ; ;

    My questions are probably more controversial than helpful, but I'll post them up anyway. ;

    First of all a note to anyone considering using the disavow tool - don't do it unless you have received a manual webspam notification. It will do you much more harm than good. ;

    (1) - ;I would ask them whether or not the data on spam they gained from it was worth the damage that was done to thousands of online businesses by using it incorrectly. ;

    (2) - I would also ask why there have been no cases of the disavow tool effectively helping sites recover from non-manual link penalties, such as anchor text over optimisation, if indeed this was the purpose of the Disavow Tool. ;

    (3) - I would ask why link disavow files which were intended to help companies recover from Penguin in November 2012 weren't 'run' until the launch of Penguin 2.0, 7 months after the previous Penguin releases. ;
  • W.E. Jonk: Can it be easier? The UI isn't that great why not embed in "links to your site"? I cannot see the "average" webmaster using this tool, so will it go away due to inactivity like page speed? Can I have a progress status (was it successful or still pending)? ;
  • Jim Munro: I would ask Google if there is an ETA for the introduction of a link disavowal tool list that is useful for algorithmic penalties.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 09/27/2013).

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