Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Michelle Kor on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 02/21/2019).

This is an SEO question about Hyphens

Note: this is an SEO question, not a grammar question :) Hyphens So a lot of words have hyphens which regular lay people don`t use when writing. When you use kws in your copy, should they be with or without hyphens or a combination of both? Thanks
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Neil Cheesman: This sums it up...
    Generally, hyphenate two or more words when they come before a noun they modify and act as a single idea.
    Perhaps Middle class... and middle-class
    Class A, B & C - B is the `middle class`
    Being middle-class is a `class` of economic wealth (perhaps)
    So, use hyphens when you should... imho
  • Neil Cheesman: ps maybe use something like an online grammar checker?
  • Michelle Korn: this is an SEO question, not a grammar question :)
  • Neil Cheesman: "When you use kws in your copy, should they be with or without hyphens or a combination of both?"
    You use the grammatically correct word whether it is a keyword or not - although some hyphenated words can be either - in which case it is probably wise to use both but I would suggest a minor point in terms of seo. imho
  • Michelle Korn: Neil Cheesman I`m asking about what the people are searching for.

    Most people (unless they are writers) don`t hyphen the words.…Lihat Lainnya
  • Neil Cheesman: From my perspective IF a word such as `sugar-free` is commonly used as hyphenated in written text (although not necessarily by people that type into search engines) then that term should be used on the web page... ie search for "sugar free juice" and the top websites will likely have (more of) the term sugar-free on them...
  • Shane Lowry: Google reads Middle class and middle-class as the same
  • Michelle Korn: Great, t/y, that`s all I needed to know. :)
  • Yuliana Kronrod: Agree. Use whatever is correct for the style you adopted - AP, Chicago ... Google will recognize the variations and most likely show both in search results.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 02/21/2019).