(Entry was posted by Jamie Rose Santos Ayque on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 06/27/2019).
Increasing visibility in another locatio
Hi everyone! My SEO concern is related with Google My Business. I inherited a client who is in the business of home repairs and they have 3 physical offices in different locations. They want to increase their visibility in another location. But upon accessing their account, I saw that they have about 32 locations pointing to big areas and not an exact address. These locations are their service areas. I`m guessing this is their previous SEO provider`s strategy to increase their visibility in Google mapsI`m torn between following the same practice (as I`m not quite sure this is allowed) and using their office address in the maps. Should I create fake locations as well?.
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in the Dumb SEO Questions
community on Facebook, 06/27/2019).