(Entry was posted by Neil Cheesma on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 01/11/2018).
SEO for theatre niche related website
Opinions, views, suggestions, please.
Theatre niche related website - ie tickets, news, reviews, interviews.
For the long-running shows, there are at times `special offers`, extended booking periods etc - in as much as if making a post out of them, there isn`t exactly a lot of unique content that hasn`t been posted about the show before. So, how best to circulate this `announcement` without it causing thin content across the website?
* Update show `page` with `announcement` and circulate via social media
* Create a new post (thin/duplicate) and circulate etc
* A `news` feed with updates (not sure how to do this)
* it seems to be an opportunity to utilise the website and not just social media)
* Any other suggestions?
Note - it would be virtually impossible to create meaningful unique content for every new booking period.
Thanks for your input :)
View original question
in the Dumb SEO Questions
community on Facebook, 01/11/2018).