Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Rick Molenaar on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/03/2013).

Is this a terrible result from Google?

Does anyone else think this is a terrible result from google? This is the first page... all results are from the same site (amazon), and each page is basically the same exact thing. Should Google do something to avoid this? It made me go to Bing instead...   https://www.google.com/search?q=rothco+150+ft+paracord & rlz=1CASMAE_enUS525US525 & oq=rothco+150+ft+paracord & aqs=chrome.0.69i57.5230j0 & sourceid=chrome & ie=UTF-8#rlz=1CASMAE_enUS525US525 & sclient=psy-ab & q=rothco+550+100-feet+paracord & oq=rothco+550+100-feet+paracord & gs_l=serp.12..0i8i30.22319.25103.28.30613. & psj=1 & bav=on.2, or.r_cp.r_qf. & bvm=bv.50165853%2Cd.dmg%2Cpv.xjs.s.en_US.seW1cfrvSKg.O & fp=f87117957caf2660 & biw=1366 & bih=632
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • SEO ASOM Corp: What is the cost of ;Visual Website Optimizer? I've yet to use an A/B testing tool. I've outed myself. Out of the you are familiar with, which are the best?
  • Clint Henderson: It has a free trial. I recommend playing with it. I was very surprised at how easy it was to create a split test. It's a pretty fantastic product
  • Rick Molenaar: +SEO ASOM Corp Honestly, VWO is the only A/B testing and conversion optimization tool I've worked with. A/B testing and creating heatmaps are super easy and valuable. I'm exploring the Behavorial Targeting options right now. I'll let you know how it works when I tried it.

    Also, I hear very good recommendations for VWO by other online marketeers, so I recommend to give it a try (especially because +Clint Henderson says it has a free trial).

    You van see the prices here: https://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/signup.php
  • SEO ASOM Corp: I now have the free version of Visual Website Optimizer and it looks great. Let you know how it goes. ;
  • Rick Molenaar: Gurus: +Alistair Lattimore, +Jim Munro and +W.E. Jonk. Do you have an idea? How does Google crawls a page with Behavorial Targeting? Thans in advance!
  • W.E. Jonk: From the expert panel in this weeks SEO Questions hangout on air on 00:55:52 into the YouTube video: https://dumbseoquestions.com/q/do_multiple_homepagebanners_have_any_effect_on_your_rankings

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/03/2013).