Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Jude Tannery on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 02/27/2020).

Will Google Ads improve my SERP position?

I am wondering if I invest in Google Ads for a few weeks/months, do you think it will help to improve my SERP position in the long run for that keyword even if I have stopped using Google Ads later?I was toying with this idea of using this method to give my ranking a little boost up there, but I`m not sure how effective will that be for such an investment. Anyone has the same experience? Thank you for your valuable input.
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Tom Riley: No. Invest the money into high DA backlink instead.
  • Jude Tannery: Thank you for your advice.
  • Jim Munro: Beware of Link sellers. In over 20 years, I did not buy a single link. Maybe I might have done better by buying links, maybe not. Certainly, sites with a strong link profile are almost-impervious to Negative SEO attack and I wish I had realised that sooner.
  • Tom Riley: Yeh use a trusted source. Don`t use cheap links. I pay around $200 a link. Works everytime
  • Jude Tannery: Jim Munro Thanks for the advice. I have no intention to buy links at all as I cannot foresee the negative impacts that it may bring later. I thought of using SEA as firstly, it helps to promote the local business on the first page, and secondly, in my wishful thinking, I suspect the ranking could get a little bit higher than where it is now after using Google Ads (and I will stop with the advertisement at some point).
  • Jude Tannery: Tom Riley Thanks for the input on quality links. How can I qualify on a "quality" link worth paying that amount? Do I look for an agency selling links or do I approach the individual website after qualifying it? What is your advice?
  • Tom Riley: Jude Tannery inboxed you
  • Ryan Jones: buying ads will not help you rank higher. it`s not a factor in the algorithm. (neither is DA though)

    If done right though, ads can be profitable and increase your traffic - which could lead to people linking to you on their own or sharing your site with others on social media, etc.
  • Jude Tannery: Food for thought on the second point. That will indeed be most effective if people can link to my page later if they find it useful through advertisement. Thank you!
  • Ryan Jones: It`s a big IF and highly dependant upon what your page is.
  • Jim Munro: In this Group, I want to be sure that we offer advice that will stand the test of time. Buying links is not an accepted practice. I am sorry it has to be this way but any further comment on buying links will be deleted.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 02/27/2020).