Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Didier Rieder on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 02/27/2020).

Listing both as hotel and restaurant in GMB

Hi everyone. I`m a social media manager for a hotel and restaurant. I`m looking into their Google My Business. If I correctly understand the situation, you can either be listed as a restaurant with the Call-To-Action "book a table", or as a hotel with the CTA "book a room". But not both. And the Google reviews are either restaurant or hotel oriented. However we want to highlight both, not just one or the other. How do we do that? What would you advise me to do?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Clint Butler: Is the restaurant able to be marketed under it`s own name?
  • Didier Rieder: yes, it`s possible. But people call the restaurant by the hotel`s name... . So we need to make an effort to better communicate the different entities.
  • Clint Butler: So what I would do is create a GMB specifically for the restaurant. That will allow you to leverage both features and bring people into the doors of both properties.
  • John Smith: Clint Butler
  • Tim Capper: Separate GMB accounts for both.

    Room bookings for hotels is via 3rd party OTAs and you can also have your own prices listed via Hotel Ads

    You can do very little with a Hotel GMB - https://onlineownership.com/how-google-exploits-the.../

    You can cross market with the restaurants listing
  • Chris Coussons: This, just create 2

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 02/27/2020).