Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Lauren Engël on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 10/01/2020).

I violated webmaster guidelines but no report on GSC

The brand I work for does a lot of intersitials that technically should violate and create penalties however on Google search console no penalties are coming up. Does that mean it`s fine? Thanks!
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Ata Ur Rehman: Nope, something that is wrong is wrong. Most of the time, google search console doesn`t show up the errors too soon. But they penalize the site.
  • Lauren Engël: i checked my traffic and it is still increasing. will be hard to convince the higher ups
  • Michael Martinez: The search engine isn`t the only visitor you need to worry about when a site is creating a bad user experience.

    The people who visit the site may decide not to recommend it or visit it again because of the bad user experience.

    It`s not an SEO question as much as it`s a question of "why create a bad user experience?"
  • Lauren Engël: i agree but the senior managers are asking me to look into the data and the traffic is still increasing. does that mean it hasnt impacted yet? these have been up for more than a month now
  • Michael Martinez: Lauren Engël I guess it depends on how clean the traffic data is. Most companies don`t filter out bots in my experience. That`s one of several reasons why I tell people to focus more on conversions than traffic. Cleaning up traffic data is very difficult.
  • Lauren Engël: Michael Martinez Got it thank you. Could you point me where I can read more about conversions? Thanks!
  • Michael Martinez: Lauren Engël Well, a "conversion" is merely any action a visitor takes after landing on the page. It could be any of the following:

    1) Signing up for an email notification
    2) Buying something
    3) Clicking on an ad
    4) Filling out a survey or other special form

    You should already have the conversion data.

    Advertisers may be interested in view counts and clicks. If the interstitials are promoting products or services elsewhere on the site, they`ll count as conversions in some people`s eyes.

    Until Google Search Console throws up some warnings this may not be a battle worth fighting. If the volume of GSC-reported search referrals declines, that would be a warning sign.

    If the site is authenticated with Bing, tracking their search referrals would be helpful, too. Bing tends to be less tolerate of spammy practices than Google.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 10/01/2020).