Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Giannis Hadj on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 12/07/2017).

I get ZERO traffic

Facebook Question: I had a group of around 22, 000 members. I linked the group with a Page I own and I post articles in that group as the page that I have. I get ZERO traffic. Any ideas why?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Sho Odwa: Following
  • Blair Urquhart: Could be simply all the group are fake people or simply you never posted anything of interest to them.
  • Michael Martinez: Not sure how many groups I have joined but I rarely click on the article links.
  • Steve Gerencser: I always thought that the purpose of groups was to have a conversation `there` and to offer links only in cases where they lead to something needed for that particular discussion. Any post that is just a link to a blog post or something simply triggers my spammer sense.
  • Jahir Rayhan: i think your group member is not active or they need your artilce
  • David Kutcher: Because 19, 999 of those members aren`t real people. Or they`re people that don`t care for your content. Or your content gets so little attention that Facebook`s algorithm is downgrading your content, or your group`s, organic reach in the 19, 999 people`s feeds. Either way, I`d try a new strategy.
  • David Ogletree: If you ever create a group and you don`t tell anybody about it you will get a ton of people trying to join it. FB bots are out of control.
  • Jobin John: Run a Test: Submit a post with the title "Free Laptop & $100 per hour" upload a vid or anything that you can track on the other end and see the results. If real people exist in your group then you will definitely see some clicks however if you see zero clicks that means Zuckerberg & Gates both are screwing with you. :) All the best.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 12/07/2017).