Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Juan Dalisay Jr. on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 07/08/2021).

It sounds like a link farm

Is it an effective link building strategy to buy many cheap domains and then add links to them that point to your main site?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Rudolf Ladyzhenskii: It is not quantity, but quality that counts. Better have less links, but from high-ranked domains

  • Basit Abbas: Rudolf Ladyzhenskii great

  • Juan Dalisay Jr.: Rudolf Ladyzhenskii so Google penalizes backlinks from low ranked domains that rarely get updated?

  • Rudolf Ladyzhenskii: Juan Dalisay Jr. If Google detects a "link farm", yes, you will be penalised. Otherwise, this links will just have very little weight.Think of it this way -- you want an opinion on, say, car. Will u trust more opinion of a qualified mechanics or random stranger?Google looks at domain authority and gives weight to each link

  • Juan Dalisay Jr.: Rudolf Ladyzhenskii the cheap domains represent random customers that link to my qualified opinion. So those cheap domains should update regularly to be a real domain even if don`t have any rank

  • Lavender Belle: No, it is not effective. Such trick no longer works for google

  • Louis Nestor: Audit SEO et plan d`action pour l`optimisation de votre site webCe n’est pas le travail du Search Engine Optimization de faire voler un cochon. C’est le travail du SEO de réorganiser génétiquement le site web pour qu’il devienne un aigle.

    Bien que cette citation de Bruce Clay soit anecdotique, elle révèle subtilement l’importance d’un audit SEO.

    En effet, nous voulons tous que nos sites web soient des aigles, c’est-à-dire qu’ils déploient tout leur potentiel en matière de référencement. Mais pour que ce soit le cas, il faut organiser leurs fondations de telle sorte que le site web soit entièrement SEO Friendly.Ce processus d’organisation implique obligatoirement en amont un diagnostic : L’Audit SEO.

    L’objectif principal d’un audit SEO est de déceler les éventuels problèmes d’un site web qui nuisent à ses performances dans les moteurs de recherche. C’est pourquoi il s’agit de la tâche la plus importante à accomplir avant le lancement de toute campagne SEO et que je propose un audit SEO gratuit.


    5EUROS.COMJe vais réaliser un audit SEO et vous donner un plan d`action par Art_SEOJe vais réaliser un audit SEO et vous donner un plan d`action par Art_SEO

  • Becky Westmoreland: No. That’s not a strategy- that’s a hack tactic that’s terrible for users and searchers. If a link being built doesn’t help a user - it’s something you shouldn’t do.

  • Stockbridge Truslow: You need links from sites that have more links to them than your site... so yeah, if you want to buy many cheap domains, get hundreds of links to each of them from good sites, and then link to your sites from them it would work. I`d rather just get hundreds of links from good sites directly to my main site, but that`s just me.

  • Greg Gifford: Not. At. All.

  • Onur Kalafat: I don`t think that was a good idea

  • Ashok Prajapat: No, It will be connect with same IP

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 07/08/2021).