Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Sakib Shadma on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 10/21/2021).

How I should preserve the SEO power/value I got?

I am about to revamp my e-comm site.Any suggestions as to how I should preserve the SEO power/value I got?Any article link would be appreciated. I am looking up best practices but best to hear it from the pros who are doing it.
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • David Gossage: Could you be more specific on what you mean by "re-vamp"?

  • Sakib Shadman: David Gossage re do the site from scratch. The backend. The UX. I feel like out conversion rate was subpar. So we are getting it done.

  • Zachary Toto: SEO is user oriented not SE oriented. Of course you want to keep the SEs happy and help them to best understand your site, but more importantly is making sure you`re giving users what they want. Avoid excessive or intrusive pop-ups, make sure users can get what they want in as few clicks as possible. Make sure your site is responsive, not just mobile friendly.

  • Sakib Shadman: Zachary Toto I refrain myself from using interstials.And thank you for the list, this really helps.

  • Josh Levenson: Make sure to revamp something that`s actually broken and not just do it to move peas around on a plate. If you don`t know why you`re doing something, don`t do it.

  • Sakib Shadman: Josh Levenson wasn`t my decision. Just wanted to know what I could do to keep the site from losing traction.

    We are doing it to amp up our CR.

    I will try screenshotting this comment to convince as second opinion.

  • Ammon Johns: Obviously one of the most basic things is ensuring that the URLs remain exactly the same. Next in technical aspects is to ensure that if you change the site architecture, the interlinking and menus, then understand how that will change the internal flow of PageRank around all of your site.

    Often with a revamp, companies will add in more glitz, images, extra scripts for animation or sliders, extra code for additional functions ... make sure you understand the speed and bandwidth changes, and make sure the new version won`t lose scoring on page speed or CWV.

    Final note is always keep your eye on the real prize. A lot of people will shy away from a change that drops traffic by 10% even when it raises conversions by 30%. Don`t be one of those people. Total conversions is always the ultimate bottom-line metric.

  • Sakib Shadman: Ammon Johns yessir.

    I believe in whatever sounds logical to me so I have dug myself in experimental holes before w no regret.

    At the very least, you get new info that u can`t find on Google or buy.

    Thank you very much for making out some of the TO-DOs.

    Also, basics are rather scarce in some of us. So always helps w the extra data.

    I will look out for all these.

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 10/21/2021).