Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Juan Dalisay Jr. on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/24/2022).

When they want to do a guest post on your site

What does it mean when a marketer wants to do a guest post on your site? What do they intend to get out of it?Are they planning to get paid for it (i.e. selling their writing skills)?Or are they using it to link to other sites?Should you be happy if many people want to do guest posts on your site?Or is it more of a bother just like spam?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Kath J P Quisumbing: They will get backlinks from your site.You can benefit from it by having more content on your website. Control guest posting by making a guideline. E.g., approving only unique content and those that are related to your niche.
  • Kath J P Quisumbing: many guest posting sites require payment.
  • Juan Dalisay Jr.: Kath J P Quisumbing But won`t junk content hurt the perception of quality of my site to my subcscribers?
  • Michael Martinez: Group expertJuan Dalisay Jr. Most of the guest post content I see is absolute dreck. It`s written by freelancers who are given a topic and a word count and told what to link to.And given that Google is about to lower the hammer on low-quality content, I`d think long and hard before accepting a stranger`s guest post content.
  • Juan Dalisay Jr.: Michael Martinez But I can always improve their content right? Or would they insist to keep their content as is?
  • Michael Martinez: Group expertJuan Dalisay Jr. It`s your site. You set the conditions under which you allow other people to publish their content there.
  • TJ Bowman: Michael Martinez Bingo
  • David Gossage: It`s for links, always links.There`s nothing technically wrong with accepting guest posts but over 90% of the articles will be garbage. It`s worth having strict editorial guidelines to filter out some of the crap if you`re interested.Most people charge for guest posts too so it could be extra income for you. Just be aware that Google require you to use rel="sponsored" in any links which will put most people off. Of course, it comes down to whether Google catches you.
  • Juan Dalisay Jr.: David Gossage so it means they want to funnel the viewers on my site to theirs? (i.e. there is a chance someone viewing the index of articles on my site will look at their article on my site)Or do they expect my domain to help their article rank higher in Google compared to hosting their own article on their own domain?
  • Natalia Szwarc: Juan Dalisay Jr. May be both.
  • Rye Smith: Juan Dalisay Jr. no, they don’t want to funnel, mate. All about link building.
  • Natalia Szwarc: There may be a few reasons. One of them is to get traffic from you to their site, social media, etc. Another, to get links as long as your website is valuable in the eyes of google. Another thing, spreading their brand (building so-called awerness). There`s more.Always expect something in return - either the same, or payment, or providing other posts if they are valuable. Do not get poor quality content.Can it harm you? Yes. E.g. when other people`s texts are poor, your readers will leave (low traffic, high bounce rate, duplicate content, etc).

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/24/2022).