Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Emma Kay on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/24/2022).

Trying to differentiate H1s

H1s - Trying to differentiate H1s when a website uses the same subpage structuring and names over and over again.In the scenario of a property website, where there are multiple properties for sale and under each property there are subpages for that property, such as "Overview", "Land For Sale", "FAQs", "Gallery", etc, how would you differentiate your H1s for each of these subpages?For example, Property A and Property B will have all of these subpages and each of the H1s for the pages are "Overview", "Land For Sale", "FAQs", "Gallery", etc. This then means there are multiple pages on the website with the exact same H1s, ie. "Overview" and "Overview".If I were to make the name of the property the H1, ie. "Property A", we would still run into this same problem.I am also avoiding having to use long, convoluted H1s such as "Property A Land for Sale" just to resolve this issue.What do I do here?Any thoughts are appreciated as I keep running into websites built like this and am unsure on best practice here!
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Emma Kay: For what part, sorry?
  • Victoria Gitelshtein: Emma Kay i meant you can differentiate your headings by adding locational words. If its relevant of course.
  • Trent Jackson: I don`t think those should be set to the H1
  • Emma Kay: Yes, agreed, so what would be the H1 alternative solution?
  • Trent Jackson: https://www.loom.com/share/c47e3ddf443f412f9ece2ca37b00292b

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/24/2022).