Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Mallikarjuna S on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/12/2016).

keyword ranking suggestions

Hi Community,

Can you give me your suggestions for this

One of my project keyword ranking is not improving in SERP. we are working since 6 months my website is online food delivery ( www(dot)nightcafe(dot)in )   can you give me your suggestions on this

thanks ...?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Mallikarjuna S: Hi Community,

    Can you give me your suggestions for this

    One of my project keyword ranking is not improving in SERP. we are working since 6 months my website is online food delivery ( www(dot)nightcafe(dot)in )  ; can you give me your suggestions on this

    thanks ...
  • Jim Munro: Hi +Mallikarjuna S ;. Please disable and/or remove your active links so we can publish this one. :)
  • Jim Munro: +Mallikarjuna S ;No-one can see this. It is in our moderator queue where it will remain until you address the link issue for us. Thank you for your consideration.
  • Dave Elliott: there really needs to be a moderators button to disable all links :(
  • Jim Munro: That would be cool.
  • Mallikarjuna S: Hi i need suggestions on this plz....
  • Jim Munro: Hi +Mallikarjuna S ;. I am sorry for making this such a pain for you but please change your link to www.nightcafe(dot)in so we can get started.
  • Jim Munro: +Mallikarjuna S ;. Something that I noticed is that your indexed pages are all https but all of the entries in your sitemap are http. This won't be the reason you are not ranking but I would rectify this as you 301 all http. Maybe +Suraj Gadage ;or +Dave Elliott ;can add to this with some real improvement suggestions.
  • Suraj Gadage: +Mallikarjuna S ;one thing is pretty evident that you are doing exact match link building and from spammy directories. It's a big No NO. This could be one of the reason why despite all the efforts you are not raking in top 10 search results. You will notice that Google is ranking your competitor Sam's Night Kitchen - sams(dot)io which doesn't have a single backlink in top 10 search results. Probably taking brand citations into account.

    Here's the best piece of advice that I can give you:
    1. Focus on brand or brand + ;keyword link building approach
    2. Any platform selected for LB should meet certain quantitative (DA, SS, TF, etc) and qualitative metrics
    3. Focus on getting your website in local one box results
    4. Create area specific webpages to capitalize on additional local search interest

    Let's see what other experts have to add to this.

  • Dave Elliott: The problem is a lack of content. You need to put in a location before you can get to the menu pages etc. Also the menus are literally just pictures and titles of the meals. No description as to what they taste like or whats in them or anything.

    considering how location centric the business is you dont actually mention the area much at all.

    In my opinion you need to really have a think about what keywords you are trying to rank for and see if there is a page that has the required text based content to allow you to do so. If you dont find it create it. (content gap analysis)

    Also seeing as you are a night delivery service id consider promoting it to students either through blog content or running discounts etc. I kinda presume they will make up a conaiderable portion of your user base.
  • Mallikarjuna S: Hi +Suraj Gadage and +Dave Elliott ; thank you for your valuable suggestions
    +Suraj Gadage ; Can you please briefly explain on below things then i am able to work on those
    1. DA, SS, TF, etc what is this and how we can do?
    2. For getting website in local one box results what are all the things we need to do can you list here
  • Suraj Gadage: +Mallikarjuna S ; 1. What I mean by quantitative metrics is build links from websites which has good domain authority (DA) and/or Social Signals, and/or Trust Flow. Also look at qualitative metrics like the platforms where you are getting links from doesn't have external links to the objectionable sites. I checked your site backlinks and found that you have have backlinks from the sites that have linked to porn sites.

    2. Refer to the below mentioned URL for complete instructions on how to create a local business page and strategies to rank in local one box. Zomato is doing a good job in this (https://postimg.org/image/iiwewz7vt/)

    Ref URL: https://searchenginewatch.com/2016/04/18/how-to-optimize-your-google-my-business-listing-expert-tips/

    Hope this helps!
  • Mallikarjuna S: Thank you very much +Suraj Gadage
    I am not posted any link in porn sites i don't know how it will coming back link from those site.
    If you have good DA site can you share with us

  • Edwin Jonk: From the expert panel in this week's SEO Questions hangout on air on 00:03:37 into the YouTube video: https://dumbseoquestions.com/q/keyword_ranking_suggestions +Mallikarjuna S

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View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 08/12/2016).