Neil Cheesman: Interestingly... one key phrase (of a website I own) displays position 7 to 27! (in the Search Console) Does everyone experience this type of rolle-rcoaster with key-phrases?
Chase Reiner: Avg position doesn`t look like it`s fluctuating that much?
Neil Cheesman: seems to go from 7 (11th sept) to 27th 11th Nov) or am I missing something... or is this normal to see spikes of a change in serps position... it certainly doesn`t `appear` that much in `reality`
Neil Cheesman: does this help? not sure what numbers on the left/
Chase Reiner: Well I can`t really see numbers on the left so I couldn`t tell you
Neil Cheesman: Blue - Clicks
Red - Impressions
Ave CTR - Orange
Ave Pos - Green
Search by appearance....
that is one selected keyword
Date range 90 days
this has been a Page 3/2 ranked keyword for quite a few months
Chase Reiner: That`s not the numbers on the very left of the graph
Chase Reiner: Either way, if your position truly is fluctuating from second or third to first page and you`re not making any changes it might have to do with the new updates googles coming out with, it also really depends on the query
Chase Reiner: Major updates include possum and the new mobile update that`s indexing the mobile version of your site instead of desktop. I cover both of these on my YouTube channel if you`d like to see them
Neil Cheesman: Curiously the serps show around say positions 15-21 but then on a couple of occasions shot up to 7 for a day (or part of a day) and maybe lack of click-through dropped it back down... but not sure what caused it to shoot up..