Dumb SEO Questions

(Entry was posted by Rahul Patwa on this post in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 04/23/2020).

How should I go about finalising which keyword to use?

I am creating a landing page to prompt people to use my services for building their E-commerce website. I have finalised on one of these 2 as the main keyword-
1. Build ECommerce Website
2. Create ECommerce Website
How should I go about finalising which keyword to use as the primary keyword ad I will be using that in the url of the page also. So far I have checked Google Keyword Planner and UberSuggest for their search volumes. What else should I be doing?
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Selected answers from the Dumb SEO Questions Facebook & G+ community.

  • Christine Hansen: Perhaps you need to specify which ecom-system you are going to use, so you don`t run into bouncing visitors.
  • Ammon Johns: There`s no single answer to this. Selling, regardless of the media used to communicate the process, is defined by who will make the offer, what they offer, and to whom.

    Which target market responds most favourably to your particular service, delivered in your particular way, with your particular processes. What words do those specific people tend to react most favourably to, and delivered by whom in what specific way?

    There is no default. This is simple (extremely complex) human psychology. Sure, you can look at search volumes, and if there were no competition, if people only had a handful of options available to provide them the service of building a site, even a non-optimal pitch *might* conceivably work.

    But you are competing in one of the oldest most competitive markets. Website design and dev was competitive right alongside `hosting`, in the mid to late 1990`s. There are literally millions of rivals. So people will absolutely find the one with the perfect pitch for their specific needs, mindset, and preferences.

    Search volume won`t help you unless your deal is utterly unbeatable. Because nobody, nobody at all, is going to buy this service without shopping around and looking at at least a dozen offers. Whether you are the first of that dozen or the last will make no difference to their process. They have more choices than they can even look at and consider in a year, and they know it.

    So, your choices of pitch, keywords, style of presentation, etc ALL have to be guided by who you can already successfully sell to 100% of the time. There is no point pitching to the people *you* can`t convert just because more people search for that keyword.
  • Rahul Patwa: Ammon Johns thanks for the detailed comment. Agreed I have to look into all those. But have to start somewhere and the right keyword can get me more traffic or hits, hence the question
  • Ammon Johns: Rahul Patwa what I`m trying to say is that the `right` keywords are completely conditional, and they change according not just to what product you have, but what the brand values are, to whom it appeals, etc. I`ve worked for hundreds of companies, and several of them compete in the same markets, yet have entirely different keywords that work for them. Even in products like insurance.
  • Rahul Patwa: Ammon Johns Got you. I am working on the other aspects as well - a good landing page, a good demo and then plan on running the ads to see the kind of response I get and make changes accordingly

View original question in the Dumb SEO Questions community on Facebook, 04/23/2020).